Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ozuku Kiita Kan

With my Ohira Suita i also received one stone for sale.
It is very big Ozuku Kiita with Kan that go over to Asagi it is very rare patterns !!

Size is 205mm 76mm 31mm
Lv 5 it is very good stone for final finishing of Yanagis, Usubas and razors Kamisoris
It dose not scratch soft steel on kasumi knifes or razors, very smooth stone :)
Price is SOLD


  1. Beautiful stone again, Maxim. Love the pattern. If I wasn't waiting for a similar Atagouama, I would probably be all over this one. :o)


  2. Thanks !! I know that you will not be disappointed in your Atago :)

  3. Beautiful!
    You would still recommend some LV5 stones for knives? I thought they might be too hard.

  4. This one do not skratch soft steel on kasumi knifes :) So it is very nice for microbevels or ura on Yanagi
